Page 43 - Tatry magazin_po strankach
P. 43
WONDERS JUST A Many people have been many wonders that visitors the public in a popular form,”
CLICK AWAY going to the High Tatras may know nothing about. We explains Lenka Rusnáková.
Interesting and little-known since childhood and think want to educate them about
facts about popular pla- that they know them very cultural or natural wonders Click before you hike
ces in the High Tatras well. However, appearances or the results of scientific How? Very simply, as you
are often misleading. Be research, such as the forma- would expect today. Just click
A hut that was never visited honest, did you recognise tion, origin and uniqueness of on a point in the interactive
by a tourist. A mountain lake the places mentioned in the mountain lakes,” she explains map on www.tatranskeuni-
that sometimes overflows introduction to the article? the interesting project. They and photos and texts
and sometimes dries up. chose three locations: Velická, full of information and tips
Eternal rain, the highest-al- First Three Valleys Skalnatá and Javorová valley will expand. “Before a hike,
titude hotel or garden that The highest Slovak moun- together with Tatranská Javo- you can learn interesting facts
thrives even without a tains may be small but they rina. In cooperation with local about the place.” The map
gardener. These are just a are rich in wonders. A new nature and history experts, contains about 50 points at
few of the many wonders project will help us reveal their they prepared scientific facts, the moment but the number of
to be found in our highest secrets. Lenka Rusnáková for example, why the Eternal curiosities will grow. Of course,
mountains. I return to the from the High Tatras Tourism Rain never dries up or that they will only be virtual; no
High Tatras often and gladly Association told me about Kvetnica (the Flower Bed) has new boards with maps and
but I found out that I don’t the project over fragrant tea the most flowers species in the explanations will be installed
know much about them. from mountain herbs. “Even Tatras. “We want to com- so as not to disturb the natural
Now I can learn a lot easily. well-known places hide municate this knowledge to landscape of the valleys.