Page 44 - Tatry magazin_po strankach
P. 44
Tatranské unikáty
Let’s try it. I chose the Velická lake and watering by the Ve-
valley, which is popular with lický stream. The ascent to VTIAHNU CHODNÍKMI NA NEPREBÁDANÉ ÚZEMIA
tourists hiking to the Sliezsky the Gerlachovský peak is the
dom hotel or, with a mountain valley’s magnet. I knew it is TATIER NAOZAJ KAŽDÉHO.
guide, to the highest peak the highest peak in the High
in Slovakia, Gerlachovský Tatras and Slovakia, but I Vysoké Tatry sú síce najmenšími veľhorami sveta, ale zato
štít. I fancy a hike to Sliezsky learn from the interactive map
dom from Tatranská Polian- that it is also the highest peak ukrývajú množstvo prírodných pokladov a zaujímavých krás.
ka. The map shows eleven of the entire Carpathians. I I dobre známa a navštevovaná lokalita dokáže prekvapiť,
points nearby. I click one and also learned that its name
find out where Sliezsky dom was derived from the village nadchnúť a zaujať aj skúseného milovníka hôr.
got its name: it was named of Gerlachov, over which it
after the Silesian (Sliezsky) towers. I also learned that in
Branch of the Hungarian 1837, Ľudovít Greiner, a pione-
Carpathian Association, er of altimetry proved that it
which built a single-storey was the highest peak, refuting
building in its place in 1895. the primacy of Lomnický
štít, Ľadový štít or Kriváň.
Secrets of the Velická valley Projekt realizovaný s finančnou podporou Ministerstva dopravy a výstavby Slovenskej republiky.
Just a bit further up the path I enjoyed clicking the points
near the Velické lake, there is on the interactive map and
the Eternal Rain. This place learned a lot of interesting
will surprise you with cold facts. “That is the core idea Všetky unikáty nájdete na mape:
drops even on a hot day, of the project – to remind
but I learn that one must be tourists that they are in a
careful because the water national park with many
also carries small stones. It natural wonders, and to give
should be admired from a them details about them,” said
safe distance. Not far away is Lenka Rusnáková. The project
the twenty-meter-long Velický succeeded. Let the number of
waterfall. I click the point dots and clicks on the map of
next to it and the Flower Bed the Tatras grow and be trans-
opens. This natural garden is formed into peak experiences.
rich in flowers and does not
need a gardener. How is it
possible? The secret lies in the
Foto: Marek Hajkovský sediments of the Kvetnicové