Page 62 - Tatry magazin_po strankach
P. 62
PRODUCT OF LIPTOV to get small businesses under
A brand worth having one roof. The best businesses
at home will be able get the Product of
Liptov mark. “Our goal was to
Every successful holiday is create a sustainable system
like a delicious multi-course of support for local producers
lunch. That’s why it should and to focus on marketing the
be a mixture of the best and Liptov region. It is an innova-
highest-quality ingredients, tion with good prospects of su-
it should look attractive, ccess and I believe that visitors
enchant with its great smell will be happy to take home
and play with every single our high-quality products,”
taste bud. Of course, all said Ján Blcháč, Chairman of
emotions fade over time if the Board of Directors of the
we do not return to them regional tourism organisation,
regularly after getting back OOCR REGION LIPTOV, at the
home. That’s what Product of start of the project. He seems
Liptov is about: it will extend to be right, as several dozen of
the holiday experience and producers joined the initia-
give it an extra dimension. tive, including producers of
cheese, alcohol, honey cakes
It’s always great to come and honey. However, everyo-
back from the mountains with ne who focused not only on
unforgettable experiences and taste, but also on sustainabi-
a phone full of photos. But lity, environment and love for
sometimes we want more, the nature was given a chance.
icing on the cake to intensify
the holiday impressions even Liptov closer to the people
after unpacking. If you bring The diversity of Liptov sug-
back a physical memory, it gested that there would be no
should be something real- shortage of producers inte-
ly worth it. People from the rested. No wonder, in addition
Liptov region decided to kill to an attractive brand, they
two birds with one stone: to will gain marketing support
please tourists and make and a very important sales
local producers more visible. channel for their products.
“Regional desks were set up
Quantity vs quality at information centres in the
Their priorities were clear from summer so visitors to the
the outset. They focused on Liptov region could buy these
quality, which must be ac- products and spread the word
companied by tradition, story about our region,“ said Darina
and a piece of local craft. After Bartková, Director of OOCR
months of preparations, but REGION LIPTOV. However, the
at a time of raging pandemic, products would be hard to sell
they unveiled a new project if no one knew about them.