Page 83 - Tatry magazin_po strankach
P. 83

GASTRO                                                                                                                           K

              GOURMET OPERA              years, however, we have    challenge in a similar way.   ingredients. “Our chefs are
              ON CHOPOK                  been trying to explore them   The appetizer at the base   among the best in Slovakia,
              Arias of maestros that     at a new level. Staying in the   camp was a welcome drink   and they can combine even
              cater to all the senses    mountains does not always   at the Crystal Bar at the Biela   the most unlikely ingredients:
                                         have to be about hiking, even   Púť cable car station. After   pike perch, cucumber, melon
              Elegant dress, a little    though nature is the perfect   the starter, we went to the   or lamb, chickpeas, yogurt,
              makeup and, most impor-    place for new experiences.  Koliesko station and then to   or even sturgeon, tripe,
              tantly, tuning in to a unique                         Priehyba by the iconic Lady-  fisherman’s soup (halászlé)”,
              experience, which is more   Get attired for opera     bird cable car. Suddenly, the   said Marián Polák, Director
              about culture than moun-   Partly by chance and maybe   panorama of majestic moun-  of Hotel Services at Tatry
              tains. There are only a few   a bit on purpose, we came   tains and hills with stunning   Mountain Resorts. You may be
              opportunities like this in   across a promotion to taste   views of Liptov and the High   wondering how they come up
              Jasná over the year – and   Chopok while we stayed    Tatras opened in front of us.   with ideas. They revealed that
              they are very unconven-    in Jasná last year. We got   The setting sun made them   they try to blend foreign cuisi-
              tional, especially if you   curious. We probably wouldn’t   even more beautiful and pic-  ne and our traditional dishes,
              enjoy the combination of   like the taste of the mounta-  turesque. Every meter in the   and I must say that they are
              art and gastronomy high    in, but spicing it up could be   cable car to Chopok, I felt like   doing very well. We could
              above the ordinary every-  worth a try. We unpacked our   I was ascending to a paradise   enjoy traditional Slovak dishes
              day reality. That is certainly   surprise package and then   where more than my visual   with a pinch of Asia by Michal
              a delicious combination!   agreed to go for it. On the   sense would be satisfied.  Konrád or excellent variations
                                website, we or-                          by Peter Slačka. It was ama-
              I love holidays so most of the   dered two seats in a box: let’s   Delicious arias  zing to listen to their passi-
              year I dream about where   have fun under the starry sky!   Instead of the forbidden   onate stories about culinary
              to get rest, go on an adven-  I changed my hiking shoes for   fruit, the elegant restaurant   specialties during the dinner,
              ture and learn something   comfort ones and sportswe-  Rotunda offered us a six-cour-  but watching them work in a
              new. My husband and I are   ar for a neat dress. After all,   se tasting menu and a great   kitchen behind a glass wall
              well-travelled, but as true   tasting calls for style and no-  wine flight served by an expe-  was something else. Where
              patriots we love the beauties   bility. Obviously, I didn’t make   rienced sommelier. Unlike in   else can you peek behind the
              of Slovak nature. We have   a gaffe because our fellow   the biblical paradise, it would   curtain? The gourmet opera
              hiked most of the High and   participants in this unconven-  be a sin not to taste such a   on Chopok, like real opera,
              Low Tatras. In the recent   tional event approached the   great combination of unique   has its maestro whose difficult

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